What's happening at RareWares.
手机外网免费加速器迅游手游加速器学习版app下载_迅游手游加速器学习版app安 ...:1 天前 · 迅游手游加速器学习版常见问题 1、加速器是如何实现加速的呢? 迅游手游加速器的高速服务器分布在全国,能够动态监测去往所有游戏服务器的最伢线路,并为您的手机选择最伢网络线路,保障游戏的流畅。 2、迅游手游加速器会消耗流量吗?
2025-07-10Full updates now available..
2025-07-07oggenc-2.88, oggdropXPd-1.9.2 and standard oggvorbis dll compiles updated to libogg 1.3.4 and libvorbis 1.3.7 - aoTuV-b03. Lancer and other library variants will follow shortly.
2025-07-06oggenc-2.88, oggdropXPd-1.9.2 and standard oggvorbis dll compiles updated to libogg 1.3.4 and libvorbis 1.3.7. Other variants will follow shortly.
安卓上外网的加速器Compiles updated to the flac-1.3.3.git-ce6dd6b5. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
2025-06-09exhale, which is an acronym for "Ecodis eXtended High-efficiency And Low-complexity Encoder", is a lightweight library and application to encode uncompressed WAVE-format audio files into MPEG-4-format files complying with the ISO/IEC 23003-3 (MPEG-D) Unified Speech and Audio Coding (USAC, also known as Extended High-Efficiency AAC) standard. In addition, exhale writes program peak-level and loudness data into the generated MPEG-4 files according to the ISO/IEC 23003-4, Dynamic Range Control (DRC) specification for use by decoders providing DRC.
永久免费外网加速器Re-compiled bundles updated to SVN dated 2025-04-09. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
HTTPS enabled in RareWares
2025-11-05RareWares pages are now securely served through SSL/TLS thanks to a brand new cryptographic certificate, courtesy of the fine people at 手机外网加速器. You can rest calm in the knowledge that your downloads are not being tampered by evil hackers while in transit to your computer.
FLAC 1.3.3 Release
2025-08-10Compiles updated to the 1.3.3 release. Intel-19 - 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
lame 3.100 Release
2025-08-06Re-compiled bundles updated to SVN dated 2025-08-06. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
2025-07-22Re-compiled bundles including the latest "Bug fix for item #501. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
2025-07-03Re-compiled bundles including the latest "Bug fix for item [ #500 ] Buffer overflow in encoder". Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
lame 3.100 Release and lame 3.99.5o
2025-06-20Re-compiled bundles including the bug-fixed FastCRC patch. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
lame 3.100 Release
2018-11-18Re-compiled bundles including the FastCRC patch. Intel818 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows. More variants will be added over the next few days.
FLAC 1.3.2 incorporating GIT updates to 2018-11-16
2018-11-16Compiles updated to the latest release. Intel-18 - 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
2018-11-15All oggvorbis dll compiles have been updated. Standard libvorbis 1.3.6, libvorbis 1.3.6 with aoTuVb6.03 and libvorbis aoTuVb6.03 Lancer builds. (New compiles of oggdropXPd and the remaining dlls will follow shortly.)
2017-09-03手机外网加速器 was a much beloved section of RareWares, but after losing
the old domain, I kinda lost interest in this project.
But no more! Please click the link at the beginning of this news entry - or at the top of the
page, read the latest news blurb, and titillate your nostalgia with our lovingly curated selection
of antiques and curios.
Also, please get in touch if you want to suggect changes or additions to the articles, or want
to contribute a piece of software you believe belongs there. Thank you!