This post provides detailed analysis for CVE-2025-8014 which was fixed in Adobe Acrobat Reader / Pro DC recently. Interestingly, it’s a patch bypass of CVE-2013-2729 which was fixed six years ago. This post also discusses how to exploit the vulnerability.
Author: apple TV 4K 与我的卧室影院(附使用教程) - 败家不息 ...:2021-5-8 · apple TV 4K 与我的卧室影院(附使用教程),先自我介绍:本人35岁,重度电影发烧友,主要看欧美电影。不挑版本,不是收藏党,电影看完即删;只要分辨率不低于720P,只要IMDB 6.5分伡上,我就看。1995年开始看VCD, ...,败家不息,分享区-产品开 ...
Authors: tomato, salt of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab
Authors: lywang, dannywei
As one of the most popular archiving software, WinRAR supports compress and decompress of multiple file archive formats. Check Point security researcher Nadav Grossman recently discovered a series of security vulnerabilities he found in WinRAR, with most powerful one being a remote code execution vulnerability in ACE archive decompression module (CVE-2018-20250).
To support decompression of ACE archives, WinRAR integrated a 19-year-old dynamic link library unacev2.dll, which never updated since 2006, nor does it enable any kind of exploit mitigation technologies. Nadav Grossman uncovered a dictionary traversal bug in unacev2.dll, which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code or leak Net-NTLM hashes.
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On November 6th, we observed that such a contract appeared on Ethereum. After investigation, it was found that a blockchain security vendor issued a contract to let everyone “Stealing coins”.
A php programmer who use xdebug’s remote debugging feature may affects RCE when he just access to attacker’s website in modern browsers.
[DannyWei, lywang, FlowerCode] of Tencent Xuanwu Lab
Here is a preliminary documentation of the RFG implementation. We will update it once we have new findings and corrections.
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Address Bar URL Spoofing on IOS Chrome (CVE-2016-1707), I report the vulnerability to Google in June 2016. Spoofing URL vulnerability can be forged a legitimate Web site address. Attacker can exploit this vulnerability to launch phishing attack.
This article purposes a new attack model to hijack TCP/IP broadcast protocol across different network segment, named “BadTunnel”.
Memory Read / Write / Execute attributes are one of the most important part of system security. Usually it is mandatory to have writable attribute set before overwriting a block of memory, and executable attribute set before executing code in a block of memory, otherwise an exception is generated. However, there are some special cases in the Windows exception handling procedure that we can take advantage of. By abusing such exceptions, we could write to the unwritable, and execute the unexecutable.